STUDIO CLOSED: Holiday Break
We will reopen on Monday, January 6th 2025!
STUDIO CLOSED: Indigenous People's Day Weekend
We will reopen on Tuesday, October 15th!
STUDIO CLOSED: Memorial Day Weekend
We will reopen on Tuesday, May 28th!
STUDIO CLOSED: April School Vacation
We will reopen on Monday, April 21st!
Studio Closed: Holiday Break
Have a happy and safe winter break and new year! We will re-open on Saturday, 1/7!
Studio Closed: Thanksgiving Break
Have a happy Thanksgiving with friends and family! We will reopen on Monday, 11/27!
Studio Closed: Indigenous People's Day Weekend
We will reopen on Tuesday, October 10th!
Studio Closed: Winter Break
Have a happy and safe, winter break and new year! We will re-open on Saturday, 1/7!
Studio Closed: Thanksgiving Break
Have a happy Thanksgiving with friends and family! We will reopen on Monday, 11/27!
STUDIO CLOSED: Columbus Day Weekend
Have a great weekend and we will see you back on Tuesday, October 11th!
STUDIO CLOSED: Labor Day Weekend
Have a great Labor Day weekend and we will see you back on Tuesday, September 6th!

Kids Open Mic Nite!
Sing or play your favorite songs and/or songs that you're working on! We can't wait to hear you!
Register by clicking here!

Rhythm & Flow: A Live Music & Yoga Experience
Join us for a special live music and yoga experience at The Music Loft! Picture this: an intimate setting, a canopy of twinkle lights, soft acoustic guitar and ambient, dreamy vocals. All levels, slow flow yoga… come be a part of the soul-nurturing vibe!
Instructor: Julie Diedrichsen
Live Music by: Katie Cooke
Space is limited to 10.
Bring your own yoga mat. Blanket suggested for a snuggly savasana.
Click here to register!

The Living Room Concert Series
Don't miss this unique and intimate living room concert, featuring singer-songwriters Sam Robbins and Lainey Dionne! This show will follow the Bridgewater Music Alley performance on 7/28 as a private 'after show' where the artists will perform and talk about their music for this special event. Food is provided. BYOB.
Show starts at 8:30pm (Doors: 8:15pm)
Music from 8:30-10:00pm
Get your tickets here!
*Please note: There is no elevator access to the venue (2nd floor)

Kids Open Mic Nite!
Sing or play your favorite songs and/or songs that you're working on! We can't wait to hear you!
Register by clicking here!

Kids Open Mic Nite!
Sing or play your favorite songs and/or songs that you're working on! We can't wait to hear you!